So it's been a month...or more since I've checked in here. Sorry? Havent been feeling the blog I guess. I mean there's been lots to share, but I'm not in the mood to share perhaps. I'm not much of a talker to begin with. Not about myself at least. My boyfriend gets mad at me because he says I don't tell people enough when cool shit is happening work wise. BAH. But seriously, who wants to hear it besides my mom.
Hi mom.
Ok actually for real serious, I need to share more. It's true. Any one wanna be my PR rep? Not that i need one actually...
These images are from Patrik Ervell's FW2013 Women's Collection. I was asked to design a forest of sorts for his look book.
This is what we came up with. Yes, the trees are suspended in the air. And yes, I do want every article of clothing pictured here. The man makes good men's clothes already... we knew that. But look at that suit. I'm not trying to turn this into a fashion blog, but seriously can we talk about the this outfit below? The coat is insane. The color of everything is perfect. That green. The cut of those pants. Even the cap. I could be into a leather cap (probably not) but everything else... gimme. I neeeeeed them. #gottagetthat.
Everything was shot by KT Auleta. KT is like the chick in high school who didn't give a shit, probably wore pajamas to class, and was cool without trying to be cool. She likes archery. She probably likes fly fishing too. She made a drum once. She's kind of one of my favorite people.
They also photoshopped my trees to make them look livelier.
I personally liked that they looked a little dead, but apparently I was the only one.